How to Go Backpacking

Posted by Unknown on Friday, May 2, 2014

Backpacking is one of the ultimate adventure activities--discovering new trails, conquering mountains and spending the night in backwoods are all part of a days work in the world of the backpacker. In order to be a successful backpacker, you need to know the dos and don'ts of life in the wilderness. Read this article to learn how to backpack.


EditDoing Your Research

  1. Get to know the trail. Do your research ahead of time when checking out a new hiking spot. Many times, bloggers will share photos, tips and trail information to ensure other hikers don’t get lost. Do a search for the trailhead and see what information you can find out. Look up what the area is known for--are there rattlesnakes? Bears? Flash floods? It’s always good to know what you might be getting into before you head out.

  2. Look up the weather forecast. Use a website like to check out what the weather is like in the area and what the forecast is for the days you will be there. Doing this will help you to pack smartly--if the area commonly drops a great deal in temperature at night, you’ll know to bring warm clothing like a thick coat, gloves and a hat.

    • If this is your first time backpacking and the forecast is rain (or snow) you may consider moving your trip to another weekend. Wet and cold are not ideal conditions for first time backpackers and can make the going really rough.

  3. Know First Aid. Injuries during a casual day hike are rare; however, anything can happen, especially in more dangerous, unsteady terrain. Knowing how to properly wrap a sprained ankle or treat an infected cut can really come in handy when something unexpected happens out on the trail.[1]

  4. Get the proper size backpack. Wearing a pack that is too big or that sits too high or low on your back can cause you to strain to your back and neck, which can lead to injury. If you are unsure of what backpack would be best, head to your local mountain gear store (REI, Any Mountain, etc.) and ask for help. In general, when figuring out what volume of pack you should get, keep these guidelines in mind[2] :

    • Day hikes: use a 15 to 30 liter pack.

    • One to two nights on the trail: 30 to 50 liter pack.

    • Two to three nights on the trail: 45 to 55 liter pack.

    • Extended trips (three nights or longer): 55 and up liter pack.

  5. Know how to purify water. Having a water purifier is a very useful thing when it comes to backpacking. One of the biggest dangers of being out in the wilderness is not having enough water and becoming dehydrated. Portable water purifiers will ensure that you never run out of drinkable water. There are several kinds of lightweight purifiers you can bring on your trip. These include[3] :

    • A pump purifier: This is a handheld pump that works in conjunction with a water bottle. You pump water from a stream into the purifier and it processes the water, making it drinkable. It then pumps that clean water into your water bottle.

    • An ultraviolet purifier: This uses UV light to kill any bacteria in your water.

    • Purification tablets: Iodine tablets are the most common purifying tablet. You simply mix the tablets in the water until they dissolve. While the tablets may leave a bit of a strange taste, they kill the bacteria that may be in your water.

  6. Know how to pitch a tent. The way you pitch a tent depends on what kind of tent you have. Some tents are easier to assemble than others. Before you head out on your trip, read the instructions for your tent and make sure that you have all of the pieces required to pitch your tent.[4]

  7. Know how to build a fire. Most campsites have designated areas where you can build a fire called fire pits. However, when backpacking, you may reach a site that does not have one. If this is the case, you will need to clear a small circle of land so that it is just dirt, and surround that dirt with rocks. Doing this will allow you to have a fire without worrying about setting the whole area on fire. You will also need to gather tinder, kindling, and logs to burn. You should always carry matches or a lighter with you when you go camping or backpacking.[5]


  1. Be ready for changing weather. Often times a sunny day at the start of your hike can turn into severe weather by the end. Depending on the season, the weather could change to hail, thunder and lightning, a snowstorm or high winds. Pack a waterproof windbreaker that can easily be rolled up and accessed. From fall to spring, consider bringing thermals to keep you warm and dry.

  2. Pack light. When going backpacking overnight or on a long day hike, it’s important to not pack too much so that you are weighed down. Instead, pack only what you need. Wear clothes that dry quickly and are lightweight. Clothes, like down jackets, that are warm and can be stuffed into a small ball are great. Layering is key when it comes to backpacking. Fleece is a good material for vests and jackets--it is warm and dries quickly.[6]

    • If you are backpacking in an area that gets cold, make sure to bring gloves, warm socks, and a hat.

    • Always pack an extra pair of socks. Wet socks make for miserable hikers.

  3. Bring the right food. Look for foods high in fiber, protein and good fats to boost and maintain your energy level. Mixed nuts, dried fruit, beef jerky and even tuna with crackers are some great options to replenish your electrolytes lost from sweating. Outdoor activity stores sell dehydrated meals that are lightweight and perfect for backpacking. All you need to do is add hot water.[7]

    • Eating a handful of nuts before bedtime can actually help to keep you warm throughout the night.

    • If you are absolutely sure that a water source will be near where you are hiking to, only bring enough water to get to that point along with your water purifier.

  4. Bring camping essentials. There are quite a few things you should bring with you when you go backpacking because something unexpected is always bound to happen. Essential items include[8] :

    • Tools to help you figure out where you are. These include a map of the area, a GPS, and a compass.

    • A headlamp or flashlight to help you see at night. You should also bring a couple of extra batteries in case yours die.

    • A pot or portable stove. A pot is good because it can be used to boil water over a fire. A small portable stove is also great to have because it allows you to cook a variety of things.

    • A first-aid kit. This includes band-aids, neosporin, a wrap for sprained ankles, bug spray, gauze pads, and blister treatment.

    • Tools to help you build and repair. These include a pocket or Swiss Army knife with multiple utilities, duct tape, and a tarp (for emergency situations if your tent gets lost or damaged). You should also bring several plastic bags. They are good for storing trash and wet bathing suits, or for wearing on your feet if you discover your hiking boots have a hole and it starts to rain.

    • Tools to help you build a fire including a lighter, matches, and a fire starter (for emergencies).

  5. Pack supplies to protect yourself from the sun. Sunscreen, sunglasses and a good hat (baseball caps work well) are essential when backpacking. If you get burnt on your shoulders and then have to carry your backpack around, you are going to be one unhappy camper. Waterproof sunscreen works well and stays on even when you are dripping with sweat. Look for sunglasses that are polarized--these protect your eyes more than regular sunglasses.[9]

EditOn the Trail

  1. Hydrate. Many of us don’t drink enough water throughout the day, and if you’re going to be doing physical activity, it’s important to consume even more that what’s normally recommended. Be sure to hydrate before your hike even begins. Consider a Camelbak for easy drinking access during your hike, especially during the hot summer months when you tend to sweat more.[10]

  2. Pack it in, pack it out. Good hiking and camping etiquette means experiencing nature and leaving it as if you were never there. Pack out all trash and animal waste, leave what you find, respect the animal life and minimize the impact of your campfire. Paper waste is okay to burn but bring all plastic out with you. For longer trips, bring a grocery bag or small trash bag to store all trash and dispose of it properly once you leave the area.

  3. Stay on the trail. During your hike, keep an eye out for markers and natural landmarks big and small to help you find your way in case you do end up getting lost. Choose a reasonable destination for your first day of hiking and do not stray from that destination.

  4. Pace yourself. Many of us have a competitive spirit and want to reach our destination quickly; however, that can be hard on your body. Consider breaks every 10-15 minutes depending on the level of heat and terrain. Drink plenty of water and listen to what your body is saying to you. If you feel you just need a quick breather, then take it. Many people have been known to pass out or have trouble breathing when climbing up in altitude or when hiking in high heat.[11]

  5. Be mindful of bears and other animals. When you do make camp, make sure to tie your food up so that no animals can get to it. Use a bear container if the campsite has one. Let animals know you are around. You don’t need to necessarily bang pots and pans around to scare away animals, but you should talk or shout once in a while, perhaps play music and make some noise to let the animals of the forest know you are present.

    • If you face a large predator, such as a wild cat or bear, then you will need to know how to avoid conflict with it. Do not run (you cannot outrun it), avoid direct eye contact, walk away slowly, don’t scream or yell and remain calm. Consider packing pepper spray & make it easily accessible to protect yourself in case of an attack. If the bear charges, stand your ground and talk in a soft voice. If he attacks, curl up into a ball and essentially play dead. Remain calm.[12]

  6. Set up your campsite. This means finding a good spot for your tent, pitching your tent, and animal-proofing your campsite. Pitch your tent as soon as you get to your site--it is much harder to pitch a tent in the dark.


  • While this article details what you need to know about backpacking, you should still consult with a backpacking expert at your local outdoors store before you go. They may be able to give you some insight based on their personal experiences.

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