How to Behave in Court

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, January 2, 2014

Have an upcoming court case? Unsure how to dress and conduct yourself in front of the judge or jury? This article will help you feel prepared and confident before the court.

Edit Steps

Part 1: Preparing for the Occasion

  1. Plan to wear conservative clothing to give yourself a visual reminder of the seriousness of the situation. Select a dark, well-fitting suit to wear into court. Check it carefully for stains, rips, failing cuffs, and fading. Have the suit dry cleaned and mended in time to try it on at least two days before your court appearance. Wear a cleaned and pressed white dress shirt, a muted tie, and dark colored socks and shoes.

    • Have a friend or relative bring you clothing if you aren't free to peruse your wardrobe. Ask them to make sure what they bring is appropriate, fits you well (nothing revealing or too snug, and nothing too big or baggy). Have them bring a white, pressed, dress shirt, a muted tie, and dark socks and shoes that coordinate with your suit.

Part 2: Keeping Your Calm

  1. Treat everyone you encounter in and outside the courtroom with dignity and respect. No matter how nervous, anxious, or angry you may feel about your court appearance, you must maintain a dignified appearance throughout the process. You never know how important the person standing next to you in the elevator is to your case (he or she might actually be the judge or a potential juror).

    • Keep your eyes and attention focused. From the moment you get near a courthouse, keep your eyes and attention focused on what is happening around you. There is potential danger near, and inside, any courtroom; being aware of your surroundings may save your life or afford you the opportunity to save another's life. Understand that yours is not the only nerve wracking case being disposed of in that arena and treat others carefully.

  2. Keep your hands and feet still when seated, or standing before a judge. Nearly everyone in any given courtroom is nervous, by keeping yourself still, you will not only calm yourself, but others around you.

  3. Listen carefully and make sure you understand what is being said to you, or asked of you. A bad case of nerves in a courtroom can make really listening a challenge, but force yourself to remain focused on what is said around you and to you. If you aren't able to hear or understand what is said to you, ask the individual to repeat what they said.

  4. Answer questions deliberately. There is no reason for you to answer questions quickly in a courtroom. Answer a question only if you understand it, otherwise state that you do not understand the question. Getting caught up in a rapid-fire question and answer session with anyone in the courtroom can lead to confusion and inaccuracies; don't succumb to anyone pressuring you to respond before you are ready.

    • If you feel pressured, look at the judge; the judge will advise you how to respond. (The delay you will have caused will break the line of thought/questioning rhythm and give you a moment to gather your thoughts again.)

  5. Breathe regularly and evenly. Do not answer two questions on the same breath. Breathing quietly and regularly, even if you must force yourself to do so, will help you keep a clear head and gives you the opportunity to provide clear answers to questions.

  6. Let there be silence. When you are asked a question, pause for a beat before you answer. Answer only the question asked of you, then be silent and attentive. Quiet moments can be very unnerving to anyone; resist the urge you may feel to fill the silence with more than the exact answer to the question asked of you. Enjoy the silence and let your mind be still.

  7. Address the judge as "Your Honor" and "Sir" or "Ma'am" only. Take no liberties and do not act familiar with any judge. Likewise, address the attorneys formally when speaking to them. This is a formal and important occasion; treat it that way.

  8. Speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard. Practice speaking to someone prior to your day in court. Have a friend or family member sit at least ten feet away from you and interview you about your feelings on a topic that makes you uncomfortable or distressed. Answer the questions they ask clearly, with no extra words, and calmly. Get their assurances that they heard what you said and adjust your voice, volume and tone as necessary.

Edit Tips

  • Take a cab to the courthouse on your court date and arrive about a half hour early. This will allow you to avoid being late for court, or having to worry about parking and directions on a day when your thoughts will likely be conflicted and scattered.

  • Get a good night's sleep before your court appearance, if possible.

  • Make time to look up who your judge will be and sit in on a court session in their courtroom prior to your court date. This will allow you to see how the judge conducts his/her courtroom and become familiar with the process you will go through.

  • Pay attention to the advice your attorney gives you and follow it carefully.

  • Go and look at the courtroom before you appearance date. You'll feel more comfortable in your surroundings when you arrive for your appearance before the judge and/or jury.

  • Imagine a positive outcome any time you feel yourself becoming fearful over your court appearance. Set it firmly in your mind that you will survive the occasion and make some good come from it.

  • If a conflict arises in the courtroom, sit still and keep quiet until things are resolved around you (provided there isn't violence involved).

Edit Warnings

  • Don't speak to anyone about your case except your attorney, if you are not in the courtroom making your appearance before the judge/judge and jury.

  • Never call anyone a liar, or say that they are lying, in a courtroom. You can say that a person is "mistaken" or "wrong", or you can say "I know that is not true.", but wipe the word liar from your vocabulary.

  • Do not take your cues for courtroom behavior from court television shows. Despite appearances, these are mutually agreed upon arbitrated cases, not courtroom cases. Even in arbitration cases, you need to hire an attorney to represent you to improve your chances of success, and your conduct should be the same as if you were in a courtroom, regardless of the hearing location.

  • Represent yourself at your own peril.

Edit Things You'll Need

  • A dark well-fitting suit or dress suit

  • A muted tie

  • Dark socks

  • Dark dress shoes

  • Cleaned and pressed, white, dress shirt

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